Information 08-05-2023

The massacres of May 8, 1945 an unforgettable date

In commemoration of the 78th anniversary of the tragic events of May 8, 1945. The University of Tlemcen organized this Monday morning, a conference in the Abu Qasim Saadallah conference room of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, in the presence of the vice rectors of the university, deans of faculties, teachers, students, social partners, the director of the Institute of Applied Sciences and Technologies Pr. Abbas MARROUK, members of the revolutionary family and the Psychopedagogical Pedagogical Center for Mentally Handicapped Children.

During his speech, Prof. HAMZA CHERIF Ali, vice-rector in charge of external relations, underlined the importance of this fateful date when the French colonial forces subjected thousands of Algerians, who came out that day to claim their right to freedom and independence, the worst sufferings, followed by summary executions. A heinous crime that will forever

Statistics  indicate than 45,000 martyrs fell in these massacres, but the reports of the colonial forces did not provide figures on the summary executions perpetrated by the death militias against unarmed citizens, according to these same historians. who believe that the massacres of May 8, 1945 have not yet taken their rightful place in research, studies and documentation, which requires the intensification of efforts to shed light on these events and on the reactions to these tragic events.

The forum which was organized by the University of Tlemcen affirmed the importance  the importance of these historical events and that the main mission of the actors in the field today is to consolidate the writing of the history of the massacres of May 8, 1945 for the rising generations for preserve the collective memory, recommend academics who stress the need to focus on the countless executions, mass killings and tortures